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:: Volume 25, Issue 2 (Summer 2024) ::
IJHST 2024, 25(2): 169-178 Back to browse issues page
Interaction of Mycorrhizal Fungi and Natural Zeolite on Growth, Yield and Mineral Elements of Strawberry (Aromas Cultivar)
Saeed Eshghi , Mina Esfandyari , Sajad Mirmoghadam , Zahra Afifipour
FacultFaculty of Agriculture
Abstract:   (137 Views)
Soils that have low fertility and calcareous, vegetative and reproductive growth of plants, including strawberries, are limited in these soils. For this reason, natural minerals such as zeolite are used to improve the physical and chemical properties of soil. To investigate the effect of mycorrhiza and zeolite on growth, yield and content of mineral elements of Aromas strawberry plants, a factorial experiment based on a completely randomized design with 4 replications was performrd in greenhouse in 2012. The first factor consisted of three levels of mycorrhizal fungi (Glomus intraradices, Glomus etunicatum and without fungi (50 g) and the second factor included 4 levels of zeolite (0, 4, 8, 12 g kg-1 soil). The results showed that the highest leaf area was noticed after inoculation with G. atonicatum without zeolite with increse of 8.3% compared to the control. Additinally, the highest root fresh weight (12.83g) and the percentage of soluble solids (7.05%) related to the treatment of 8 g kg-1 zeolite and G. intraradices. The highest fruit weight was related to the interaction of G. atonicatum and 12 g kg-1 zeolite in soil (13.44 g). G. atonicatum caused a significant increase of 20.2% and G. intraradicus increased the yield by 15.7% compared to the control treatment without fungus application. The highest total potassium uptake was found after application of 4 g kg-1 zeolite and G. intraradicus. The highest rate of root colonization was recorded in the treatment of 8 g kg-1  zeolite and G. atonicatum. In general, 4 g kg-1 zeolite in soil and 50 g G. atonicatum had the greatest effect on strawberry yield and the other measured properties.
Keywords: Calcareous soils, Glomus atonicatum, Mineral element uptake, Strawberry, Zeolite
Full-Text [PDF 480 kb]   (74 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Research | Subject: Pomology
Received: 2022/06/29 | Accepted: 2022/09/10 | Published: 2024/10/12
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Eshghi S, Esfandyari M, Mirmoghadam S, Afifipour Z. Interaction of Mycorrhizal Fungi and Natural Zeolite on Growth, Yield and Mineral Elements of Strawberry (Aromas Cultivar). IJHST 2024; 25 (2) :169-178
URL: http://journal-irshs.ir/article-1-624-en.html

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Volume 25, Issue 2 (Summer 2024) Back to browse issues page
مجله علوم و فنون باغبانی ایران Iranian Journal of Horticultural Science and Technology
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